Culture Powers Business™ 

Tapped by one of the world’s leading CPG distributors, POWERS is set to help them meet pandemic-led global demand surge

Tapped by one of the world’s leading CPG distributors, POWERS is set to help them meet pandemic-led demand surge

Atlanta, GA, Friday, January 28, 2022 – POWERS is excited to announce that we’ve been selected to facilitate cultural and warehouse management operating system optimization for one of Puerto Rico’s largest distributors. Our new client manages a diversified product portfolio in the beverage, food, household goods, personal care, and pet categories. This new client chose POWERS to implement our Culture Performance Management methodology. With it, we’ll help build on their culture founded on classic traditions, and a modern outlook focused on setting the standards of performance and integrity within the distribution industry. 

The company is tasked with keeping up with global, pandemic-led demand spikes for Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPGs). Our new client seeks to implement the right warehouse management operating system in conjunction with the right warehouse and distribution center leadership skills to meet these demand challenges, optimizing both culture and performance. 

Sean Hart, POWERS CEO, adds, “Our client has a rich tradition of leadership that is truly focused on teamwork and building a positive culture. One of their corporate values is to invest in their people. We couldn’t be more excited to partner with a company that has real authenticity in their corporate values and truly sees the value of their people and culture.”  

Hart goes on to say, “Our objective is to facilitate these performance improvements by connecting their company culture to measurable and sustainable performance improvements to meet surging global market demand.”    

POWERS is a management consulting firm whose unique approach aligns company culture to optimized business performance outcomesPOWERS has helped global leaders across many market sectors to operationalize their culture for rapid and sustained performance improvement, ROI, competitive advantage, and greater value.    

Learn more about our operational and cultural optimization methodology by visiting us online. To schedule an initial discovery and analysis with our dedicated management consulting team, call us at +1 678-971-4711, or email us at   

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About the Author

Dr. Donte Vaughn, DM, MSM, Culture Performance Management Advisor
Dr. Donte Vaughn, DM, MSM

Chief Culture Officer

Dr. Donte Vaughn is CEO of CultureWorx and Culture Performance Management Advisor to POWERS.

Randall Powers, Founder, Managing Partner
Randall Powers

Managing Partner

Randall Powers concentrates on Operational and Financial Due Diligence, Strategic Development,, and Business Development.