ATLANTA, GA, Thursday, April 22, 2021 – POWERS is excited to announce its new partnership with a Private Equity firm in Atlanta and the high-quality, Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Seafood product offerings it manages. Our new client was attracted by our innovative Performance plus Cultural Optimization process and sees it as key to advancing their operational performance and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) requirements. A proud client of the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) and a strong supporter of Ocean Trust, our new client’s mission is to ensure the protection and sustainability of ocean-caught and aquaculture seafood.
Sean Hart, CEO with POWERS adds, “We are always excited to partner with our Atlanta-based neighbors to mutually advance both of our organizations’ commitment to ESG requirements. Our contribution is the “S” or “Social” of ESG. Our new client seeks an advanced organizational culture where leaders create employee trust, engagement, inclusion, and respect. We will assist in the facilitation of this leadership development and implementation leading to significant improvements in every element of their supply chain.”
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, POWERS is a management consulting firm whose unique approach aligns company culture to optimized business performance outcomes. POWERS has helped global leaders across many market sectors to operationalize their culture and increase value. Learn more here.
To schedule an initial discovery and analysis with our dedicated management consulting team, please call us at +1 678-971-4711, email us at info@thepowerscomany.com, or provide your contact information here.