Atlanta, GA, March 24, 2022 – POWERS has been selected to facilitate the cultural and Management Operating System (MOS) optimization for the poultry management company of a large, mass-market retailer with over 600 locations in the United States.
Our new client partnered with POWERS to build a culture based on its foundation of “Taking Care of their Employees,” which is fundamental to its obligation of “Taking Care of their Members.” This desired culture is reflected in the company’s code of ethics.
Their company is tasked with keeping up with surging demand stemming from their members’ desire for high-quality and low-cost food and beverage products.
Our new client seeks to implement the right management operating system in conjunction with the right management leadership skills, optimizing both culture and performance.
Sean Hart, POWERS CEO, states, “It is a great honor to build a partnership with a company that is sincerely dedicated to the company’s code of ethics. Investing in the development of your people is the greatest investment a company can make in today’s manufacturing environment.”
Craig Wall, POWERS CDO, adds, “Our objective is to develop their people to help facilitate the performance improvements they’re seeking. We accomplish this by connecting their company culture to measurable and sustainable performance improvements to meet increasing market demand and to ensure the best possible price for their members.”
POWERS is a management consulting firm whose unique Culture Performance Management™ methodology aligns company culture to optimized business performance outcomes. POWERS has helped global leaders across a wide variety of market sectors to operationalize their culture for rapid and sustained performance improvement, ROI, competitive advantage, and greater value.
Learn more about our operational and cultural optimization methodology by visiting us online. To schedule an initial discovery and analysis with our dedicated management consulting team, call us at +1 678-971-4711, or email us at info@thepowerscompany.com.