Committed to offering the lowest prices to their customers, mass-market retailer engages POWERS to optimize maintenance, shop floor, and leadership training to lower costs.
Atlanta, GA, June 21, 2022 – POWERS has been selected to facilitate the Maintenance Management Operating System (MMOS) optimization for a large, mass-market retailer. Our new partner has grown its brand and built a massive cult following at the consumer level by offering the lowest possible pricing on its products. Being a low-price leader is their top priority and a critical competitive advantage. They want to be the first to reduce prices when prices are going down.
Their company is tasked with keeping up with surging retail demand stemming from their members’ desire for high-quality and low-cost products as inflation continues to put financial pressures on their members. By working with our new client’s maintenance team, POWERS can improve the overall manufacturing efficiencies and help reduce the cost of their products for their members.
Sean Hart, CEO of POWERS, adds, “Maximizing equipment uptime and utilization are imperative for our new client to help reduce costs and offer the lowest possible price to their members. Our client partnered with our company to help it reduce maintenance expenditures, handle and control parts purchasing and inventory, schedule and optimize maintenance resources, and reduce equipment downtime to increase the productivity of their operation.”
Hart continues, “By implementing the right maintenance management operating system (MMOS) in conjunction with the right management leadership skills, our partner can optimize their manufacturing shop floor and maintenance performance excellence. Ultimately, partnering with POWERS will help them keep their commitment to the highest quality products at the lowest possible price point.”
POWERS is a management consulting firm whose unique Culture Performance Management™ methodology aligns company culture to optimized business performance outcomes. POWERS has helped global leaders across a wide variety of market sectors to operationalize their culture for rapid and sustained performance improvement, ROI, competitive advantage, and greater value.
Learn more about our operational and cultural optimization methodology by visiting us online. To schedule an initial discovery and analysis with our dedicated management consulting team, call us at +1 678-971-4711, or email us at info@thepowerscompany.com.